Stray Gardner

Reading Time: 1 min   Something about the way you move me. Not just how I feel, But how I see myself when you are near. Between the two of us we bore fruit, Yet childhood roots began to rot. I cannot tend two gardens.   Lord, teach me how to nurture, This young girl…

Perspiring Beneath the Summer Sun

Reading Time: 1 min   An old villanelle for poetry class. Nostalgic of my Florida wanderings but there is nothing like Texas and today. For anyone wondering I have been fixing these up at work during any spare time I have at the group home. Usually in-between the finishing up of chores and fixing up…

Come Sit By Me

Reading Time: 2 minutes ————–+—————+—————- A different time. A different season. Loneliness never plays fair. It steals my joy and mocks the Lord’s work. Yet my God is with me. He prepares my path before every catastrophe, meets my needs. But sometimes He waits for me to ask Him first. This came from a time…

My Roaring 20s?

Reading Time: 2 mins I navigate through the busy roads of San Antonio on my way to pick up a friend. Even during the daylight my past home city seems foreign to me with all the construction and years that have gone by. I try to follow the directions on my phone, yet I still…

Citric Acid

Reading Time: 2 mins “An artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing.” -Eugene Delacroix An artist is one who creates and communicates through a variety of means. Lately, like many, I find myself standing in the way of my own path and pushed into a corner. A corner where I cannot…

Salty Breezes for Dry Lungs

I still have dreams of the blue waves I once called my proximity. My ears ring with the buzzing of young minds passing time on Central Avenue. My fingers trace the fabric of the church chairs as I pray on my knees. These hips begin to ache at the squeeze of swings, breathing in air…

Metamorphic Stone

The space between our fingers grow. Two hands loosening grip, Drifting to new beginnings. Even in the distance your Eyes remain clear. At least in my mind. I hold on, Though our palms no longer touch.   My heart’s compass starts to spin. Craving a love In the shape of a cross. I must focus…